Merit Quotes

Text Quotes
It seems to never occur to fools that merit and good fortune are closely united (Merit Quotes)
Pride in boasting of family antiquity, makes duration stand for merit (Merit Quotes)
Honourable mention encourages science, and merit is fostered by praise (Merit Quotes)
There is a proud modesty in merit (Merit Quotes)
Those are greedy of praise prove that they are poor in merit (Merit Quotes)
To buried merit rise the tardy bust (Merit Quotes)
If its length be not considered a merit, it hath no other (Merit Quotes)
Fame is an accident; merit a thing absolute (Merit Quotes)
It is not a merit to tolerate, but rather a crime to be intolerant (Merit Quotes)
My aspiration now is to get by luck what I could not get by merit (Merit Quotes)
The rich feel full of merit (Merit Quotes)
If you desire praise or esteem, endeavor to merit it (Merit Quotes)
Whoever gains the palm by merit, let him hold it (Merit Quotes)
Nature makes merit, and fortune puts it to work (Merit Quotes)
The merit of originality is not novelty; it is sincerity (Merit Quotes)
Those who do not know how to live must make a merit of dying (Merit Quotes)
Celebrity is the chastisement of merit and the punishment of talent (Merit Quotes)
Plagiarists, at least, have the merit of preservation (Merit Quotes)
How vain, without the merit, is the name (Merit Quotes)
There is endless merit in a man’s knowing when to have done (Merit Quotes)
Good birth is a fine thing, but the merit is our ancestors (Merit Quotes)
He who first praises a book becomingly is next in merit to the author (Merit Quotes)
The price of ability does not depend on merit but on supply and demand (Merit Quotes)
Charm strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul (Merit Quotes)
Honest people will respect us for our merit: the public, for our luck (Merit Quotes)
The sufficiency of my merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient (Merit Quotes)
No work is of such merit as to instruct from a mere cursory perusal (Merit Quotes)
A beautiful soul has no other merit than its own existence (Merit Quotes)
Fame is no sure test of merit (Merit Quotes)
The merit of all things lies in their difficulty (Merit Quotes)